
Now Available

Dr. Billye Brim’s Virtual Israel Tour

See Israel as never before! With Dr. Brim’s 40+ years of experience studying and learning the land and the people you will get to tour and encounter Israel in a first-class video production from the comfort of your home.

No pre-requisite required to participate in the Virtual Israel Tour course.


Current Curriculum

Courses 1-3


Rightly Dividing The Word


The World That Then Was

Bereishit Part 2

In The Beginning

Courses 1-3 must be taken in order.
Please plan and purchase accordingly.

All Courses

The following courses are available now for immediate enrollment

Course Cost Comparison

Standard Student Enrollment vs College Credit Enrollment

Please Note:

  • Standard and College Credit courses, lessons, and quizzes are identical in scope.
  • College Credit fee is an additional $50 per course to cover administrative costs.
  • College Credit may be purchased as an upgrade at anytime even after completing a course.

Eschatology: Rightly Dividing the Word Available Now $150 $200
Beresheit: The World That Then Was Available Now $150 $200
Beresheit: In the Beginning 02 Available Now $150 $200
Virtual Israel Tour with Billye Brim Available Now $250 $300
The Book of Daniel Available Now $200 $250
The Book of Revelation Available Now $200 $250
The Book of Ephesians Available Now $200 $250
The Book of Ezekiel Available Now $200 $250
The Book of Zechariah Available Now $300 $350
Watching the Fig Tree | Part 1 Available Now $200 $250
Women and the Word of God Available Now $200 $250
Watching the Fig Tree Part 2 Available Now $200 $250