Women and the Word of God | 201
Women and the Word of God
When “in the beginning” God created man in His image, He made one being. That being reflected His fullness. The Lord then took woman out of the man, and they became two separate beings. Even though they were now separate beings, only together did they reflect the fullness of the image of God.
Dr. Billye Brim examines the belief of many parts of the Body of Christ that the Word of God tells women to “keep silent.” God revealed to Pastor Buddy Harrison (late son-in-law of Brother Kenneth E. Hagin) that making women “keep silent” was equivalent to silencing half of His voice in the Earth. “But,” as Dr. Brim asserts, “in a glorious church, every member in it is to be proclaiming Jesus Christ, risen from the dead.”
In this course, “Women and the Word of God,” we will see why a doctrine that silenced so many for so long had a faulty foundation and look at the truths that bring restoration to that structure. We will examine the Word to see the roles in which women functioned and how the Lord used them in His plan. We will see some remarkable examples of people whom God used to bring Him glory in female bodies.
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