The Book of Zechariah | 201

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The Book of Zechariah

With Emphasis on the Millennium

Zechariah, son of Berechiah, a young man, a priest, and a prophet, wrote to the captive Israelites in Babylon. While emphasizing the strength of God’s character as the “Lord of Hosts” (or armies), He called his people to repentance.

Through visions and words from the Lord, Zechariah illustrates great and comforting truths such as the Lord’s future plan to dwell in the very midst of His people and that His people are the “apple of his eye.” And even though it is necessary for judgment to come to His people, “that day” will come when the Lord “will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and … the glory in the midst of her” (Zechariah 2:9).

This prophetic book also speaks of:

  • The physical and material restoration of Jerusalem.
  • The restored spiritual relationship between God and His people.
  • The cleansing from guilt and iniquity and even wickedness itself.
  • The overthrow of Gentile world-power.
  • The judgment through which Israel itself is sifted and purged in the final great conflict with nations and transformed into the holy nation of Jehovah.
  • “The day of the Messiah,” called “that day,” by Zechariah, which was not Messiah’s first coming but will be His glorious return.
  • The great national repentance of Israel, when the Lord pours out the spirit of grace and supplication on His people.

Before beginning this course, students must have previously purchased and completed the following:

Course Details

Upon purchase, you may start your class at anytime and proceed at your own pace.

  • You must watch each video in its entirety before you are able to proceed to the next session.
  • Once all sessions are completed you will need to complete and satisfactorily pass the course quiz to gain class credit.

SESSION TIME: Approx. 1 hour per session
COURSE QUIZ: 20-30 minutes to complete
STUDENT NOTEBOOK: Downloadable PDF provided upon course purchase

Course Prerequisites

Before beginning this course, students must have previously purchased and completed the following:

Course Cost

Standard Student Enrollment: $300
College Credit Student Enrollment: $350 (Available College Credits: 4)


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