The Book of Ezekiel | 201
The Book of Ezekiel
The Book of Ezekiel opens with a vision. This was significant because God’s people had been carried away into captivity in Babylon. It was not clear if the presence of the Lord and the Word of the Lord would accompany them into captivity. It definitely had, and as a captive in Babylon, the prophet Ezekiel spoke the Word of the Lord to those who were with him.
The “hand of the Lord” was upon Ezekiel. This “son of man” had visions of Heaven and of the “living creatures” there. He prophesied of the coming judgments against Israel. He sometimes even symbolically acted out these events. One of Ezekiel’s own life events acted as a sign to his people.
Many different judgments were pronounced on other countries and their leaders. But for Israel, judgment is not to be the end. In a manner that will cause people to “know that I Am the Lord,” God will turn the days of mourning into days of joy and gladness and judgments into a time of national cleansing for Israel.
Ezekiel ends his Book with a detailed description of the Millennial Temple and the greatest words of comfort possible: Jerusalem will be rebuilt and will be called “the Lord is there.”
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